
welcome to thundurrgroup, meet the projects of tomorrow..

mission statement

To create unparalleled experiences, to innovate, to revolutionise. To satisfy perfection, ensuring usefulness and beauty in everything we design. Design is at the foundation of everything we do.

We go Beyond Limits.

carbon zero

Since the beginning, thundurrgroup is and will continue to be 100% Carbon-Zero, meaning any of our projects or endeavours have no effect on the planet. We continue this through our partners as well, ensuring that our partners are also 100% carbon-zero or carbon-neutral. thundurrgroup is Carbon Zero.

meet our family

Each of our entities target specific industries to improve and innovate upon, expertly researched, backed by professionals, helping everyone.


Discover a future WFH position in an impactful team with big dreams and great expertise, we work with the best.